
Additional funding has been secured to support work to integrate refugees across Scotland.

The £1.6 million in funding will focus on the development of a refreshed New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy, ensuring refugees and asylum seekers are supported to make their new communities their home.

Health Inequalities in Scotland

A report was launched by the Fraser of Allander Institute in November 2022, on Health Inequalities in Scotland. The report examines trends in key socioeconomic determinants of health in Scotland since 1999, the year of the establishment of the Scottish parliament.

Scottish Island Futures 2050 and Beyond Workshop

This streamed session will focus on island governance. What is the nature of the relationship between islands and their metropoles i.e. Edinburgh and London. Are there better models of governance? Is island autonomy a goal to be strived for?

From 3rd to 19th February, the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust are asking landowners and Gamekeepers to count and record all species of birds seen on their ground.  This is a census to determine how well conservation schemes such as supplementary feeding or growing wild bird seed are doing, and which species are benefiting from them.


World wetlands day on 2nd February. 

Wetlands are areas which are either permanently or seasonally flooded, they can be coastal, inland, or manmade and support many different species all around the world.  This can include ponds, lagoons, mangroves, salt pans, lakes, rivers and also peatlands.

An agreement to invest £100 million in the future economic prosperity of Orkney, Shetland and the Outer Hebrides was signed today (20th January) in Orkney by UK and Scottish Government Ministers and the Council Leaders of the three island groups.

Over 180 diverse projects across rural Scotland, will receive grants ranging from £100,000 to less than £500, from the Rural & Island Communities Ideas into Action (RICIA) fund.

The fund encourages and supports not-for-profit community groups with innovative approaches to community-led local development which include solutions to net zero and just transition goals, tackling rural poverty and supporting rural communities through the cost crisis.

Information on the Scottish Government Population Programme published.

The Population Programme is a cross-cutting programme of work which aims to deliver Scotland’s Population Strategy, which articulates a vision for Scotland’s population profile to provide a platform for economic success, prosperity and wellbeing across Scotland’s communities.

Small Landholdings Modernisation: Consultation Closes 14 Jan 2023


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