
Applications are now being accepted for Be Your Best Self -- personal development training for women living and working in Scottish agriculture.

  • Do you feel like you need to re-focus on your life goals?
  • Do you want to build your confidence and discover the true value of your skills and strengths?
  • Are you looking for new opportunities and possibilities?
  • Would you like to connect with other women in Scottish agriculture?

If so, then this course is for you!

The first ever National Islands Plan for Scotland has been laid before the Scottish Parliament for consideration.

The proposed National Islands Plan provides a framework for action in order to meaningfully improve outcomes for Scotland's island communities.

Field Lab: Plant Teams. Tools for small-scale grain processing

Join Soil Association Scotland for another special crofting meeting of their Plant Teams field lab, looking at growing multiple crops together for better outcomes.

Find out about specialist advice available in this article from the Farm Advisory Service.

Ongoing uncertainty over future subsidies and an ever-changing economic and political landscape mean that now, more than ever, it is important that Scottish farmers, crofters and landowners have a clear understanding of the strength of their business resilience.

Gaining Ground event

This event will build on the conversations and common interests from the last Gaining Ground event at Glachbeg Croft. Open to all, but specifically aimed at those who hope to start offering social crofting opportunities. A chance to come together and look at what help is needed to get started.

Inspirational speakers, a delicious lunch and time to network and share experiences.

Email to book.


Money Grows on Trees: Adding value to your farm with forestry

Come and find out what trees can do for your farm business. This practical day includes a visit to an FSC® certified forest and Mosstodloch sawmill and covers:

Smallholding Scotland, the organisation recently established to support and promote smallholders in Scotland, is looking for contractors to join their list of those wanting to provide services to small-scale farmers.

A list of shearers is already on the website but the organisation would like to have a list of scanners and a list of other service providers up and running before the end of the summer.

Rosemary Champion:

The Woodland Crofts Partnership has recently been awarded £33,000 over two years to support and promote the development of woodland crofts.

The announcement was made by Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy, Fergus Ewing MSP, when he attended the Nairn Show.

If you're interested in the bioeconomy you can find a wealth of information on the European Network for Rural Development's (ENRD) Rural Bioeconomy Portal. ​

Field Lab: Mob Grazing

Join Soil Association Scotland at Lynbreck Croft for a special meeting of our Mob Grazing Field Lab, looking at the benefits of trees for animal welfare and nutrition
