
Climate Emergency Training

Helping young people tackle climate change

With extreme weather events in the news almost daily and the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) happening in Scotland in November 2021, it has never been more important to provide opportunities for our young people to talk and learn about climate change.

New legislative powers have now come in to force.

Before now, animals seized on welfare grounds that were not signed over by the owner to the Scottish SPCA would have to temporarily reside at a rescue centre until any legal proceedings had concluded.

COP26, social enterprise & the climate emergency

This webinar will showcase the incredible work of social enterprises across Scotland in tackling the climate emergency. 

Hear about topics from nature education to recycling, upcycling, outdoor retreats and much more - and explore the benefits of these activities for both people and planet.

The Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership has launched its Autumn/Winter programme of events.

A Green Rural Recovery: Sustainable Natural Economies of Canada & Scotland

This 90-min webinar will feature renowned scientists from Scotland and Canada, presenting on greener agricultural systems and examining how new technology is being used to boost the natural economy.

Among the speakers will be Professor Rainer Roehe from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), who will talk about his research into the mitigation of methane emissions from beef cattle, and Prof Asim Biswas from the University of Guelph, who will discuss the use of smart farming techniques in Ontario’s grain production.

How would you reimagine life, the future for Scotland, and for our planet? If you have any stories to tell, then why not share them in a 90-second film! 


How  would  you reimagine life,  the  future for  our  beautiful  country  and  for  our planet?  

An ambitious 30-year landscape-scale rewilding initiative to link up a majestic sweep of the Scottish Highlands has been launched.

The Affric Highlands initiative follows three years of consultation between Rewilding Europe, Trees for Life, and other local partners and stakeholders.

Want to put big bills out in the cold?

Community Led Climate Action Gathering: Edinburgh + online

Join Community led initiatives across Scotland. Share ways of tackling the personal and political challenges as change-makers seeking a fairer, more just society. Learn about what we are and can do that together in our regions, and nationally, to build networks, increase capacity and act effectively.

2.00pam - 5.00pm Saturday 25 September Blended Mtg
