Forestry and woodlands

Woodland creation for biodiversity: what to consider?

Come along and hear from Colin Edwards, Environment Policy Advisor, Scottish Forestry, on how to create woodland to meet your biodiversity objectives.

We will be looking at basic principles of site selection, key species to plant, integration of open habitat and creation of future habitat to maximise your biodiversity benefits.

Hear and discuss with our land managers their practical experiences of creating, woodland for biodiversity.

Tea and trees with crofters

A chance to chat about planting trees on your croft - come and share your experiences and ask your questions.

This discussion group will bring crofters together to chat about woodland creation projects along with specialists from Scottish Forestry and The Woodland Trust, Croft Woodland Project.

Details of a financial package worth up to £9 million for Scotland’s vital tourism sector have been confirmed by Tourism Minister Ivan McKee. 

The funding package is to be administered by VisitScotland and will be split between affected businesses in the following areas:

The Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC) undertook a review of the use of glue traps and concluded that there are significant animal welfare issues related to their use, not only for rodents but also for non-target species such as wild birds.

Eleven projects across Scotland have been accepted for the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund (RTIF) to improve facilities as part of Scotland’s drive for sustainable tourism.

Scotland's Finest Woods aims to highlight all that is best in Scotland's management of woods and forests, and to showcase how they contribute to the wealth and wellbeing of Scotland's people.

The 2022 Awards are now open to entries. Judges will be seeking out Scotland's finest woods and rewarding the pursuit of excellence – there’s some stunning trophies to be won and over £11,000 worth of prize money!

Projects to help the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss by restoring Scotland’s natural environment on land and at sea are set to benefit from further funding this year.

The annual Nature Restoration Fund is open to projects that help Scotland's species, woodlands, rivers and seas back on the road to recovery, as well as improving the health and wellbeing of local communities, with at least £12.5 million available in 2022-23.

More than 600 rural businesses with projects that protect the environment and mitigate the impact of climate change will share £30 million from the latest round of the Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS) 2021.

Connecting people and nature.

Led by NatureScot, the programme aims to give people the opportunity to help tackle the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss by creating and caring for their own forest in their own neighbourhood.

Projects awarded funding in most recent round of Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund.

The chosen projects have a specific focus on resource efficiency, cutting emissions, environmental performance and sustainability of agricultural holdings, and are supported by just over £170,000 of funding through the KTIF.
