
Opportunities to meet world leaders and climate activists.

A further £35,000 funding from the Scottish Government will increase the reach of initiatives from ReNew the World who organise events to meet world leaders and climate activists.

HIE’s Innovate Your Business service aims to help SMEs in the Highlands and Islands make changes to improve their business.

Climate Emergency Training

Helping young people tackle climate change

With extreme weather events in the news almost daily and the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) happening in Scotland in November 2021, it has never been more important to provide opportunities for our young people to talk and learn about climate change.

The Rural Communities Ideas into Action Fund (RCIA) is a £1.5 million investment from the Scottish Government to encourage and support innovative approaches to community-led local development in rural communities across Scotland. If you've not applied yet, here's what you need to know.

The North and South Aberdeenshire Local Action Groups and the North East Scotland Fisheries Local Action Group have been marking the successful completion of the 2014-2020 Community Led Local Development Programmes. 

A Green Rural Recovery: Sustainable Natural Economies of Canada & Scotland

This 90-min webinar will feature renowned scientists from Scotland and Canada, presenting on greener agricultural systems and examining how new technology is being used to boost the natural economy.

Among the speakers will be Professor Rainer Roehe from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), who will talk about his research into the mitigation of methane emissions from beef cattle, and Prof Asim Biswas from the University of Guelph, who will discuss the use of smart farming techniques in Ontario’s grain production.


How  would  you reimagine life,  the  future for  our  beautiful  country  and  for  our planet?  

Scottish Agritourism Conference

Scottish Agritourism Conference will bring together everyone interested in the development of agritourism in Scotland.

The conference is set to welcome;

Not-for-profit community groups in rural areas can now apply for funding of up to £50,000, to trial new and innovative ways to address local challenges and benefit from local opportunities.
