
Through the £2 million Island Communities Fund, 29 successful community groups and businesses across 23 islands have been awarded grants of up to £150,000 each.

More than £1 million of the Scottish Land Fund is being awarded to eight local community groups to help them take ownership of the land and buildings that matter to them.  

The idea for the trek – which is raising funds for Highlands-based rewilding charity Trees for Life – germinated three years ago while Michael was walking in the Scottish Highlands.

The Scottish Government will provide up to £1 million to support the pathfinders through the development phase of the programme.

Galloway Glens' Autumn/Winter Programme

Coinciding with November’s COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow

These events try to get under the skin of some of our beloved species and habitats, promising to be both entertaining but also poignant, exploring the challenges and opportunities offered by our changing climate.

A Green Rural Recovery: Sustainable Natural Economies of Canada & Scotland

This 90-min webinar will feature renowned scientists from Scotland and Canada, presenting on greener agricultural systems and examining how new technology is being used to boost the natural economy.

Among the speakers will be Professor Rainer Roehe from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), who will talk about his research into the mitigation of methane emissions from beef cattle, and Prof Asim Biswas from the University of Guelph, who will discuss the use of smart farming techniques in Ontario’s grain production.


How  would  you reimagine life,  the  future for  our  beautiful  country  and  for  our planet?  

An ambitious 30-year landscape-scale rewilding initiative to link up a majestic sweep of the Scottish Highlands has been launched.

The Affric Highlands initiative follows three years of consultation between Rewilding Europe, Trees for Life, and other local partners and stakeholders.

A new programme which places food tourism at the heart of the recovery of Scotland’s tourism and food and drink sectors has launched, with the appointment of 25 Regional Food Tourism Ambassadors.

First grants awarded from new £50 million fund.

More than £5 million from the new low carbon Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme, which aims to drive regeneration, enhance the environment and tackle climate change, will be shared among 10 schemes.
