Rural services

Communities across Scotland are being asked to consider whether their local area could be designated as the country’s newest national park.

Individuals, groups or organisations considering making a proposal can now register early interest. 

Visitor management facilities
Name of organisation/business: 
Scottish Canoe Association
Rural Communities Into Action fund (2021/22) - £48375.84

The Noss ferry has resumed service this season and NatureScot staff are looking forward to welcoming visitors back to the spectacular island, which is home to thousands of seabirds each summer.

Last summer both of NatureScot’s island reserves, Noss and the Isle of May, were closed to help protect seabirds from a devastating outbreak of avian flu.

NatureScot has welcomed the Scottish Government announcement of the public appointment of Professor Colin Galbraith as the new chair of the NatureScot board.

More EU citizens will be supported to remain in Scotland, thanks to renewed funding for the Stay in Scotland campaign.

In partnership with the Citizens’ Rights Project, COSLA and Settled - an independent charity helping EU citizens to stay in the UK – over £200,000 will help vulnerable people apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS).

Sustrans Scotland: Cars, Community and Active Travel webinar

In this interactive workshop we’ll be taking a look at how cars impact on community life.

We provide examples of how private vehicles impact on social connections, perceptions of safety, health and how children and young people move around their local areas.

People in seven communities across Scotland are celebrating after they were awarded grants to support a wide range of social enterprises in their local areas. Highland, Moray, Argyll & Bute, East Lothian, and North Ayrshire projects are all set to benefit.

A new evaluation estimates that a Scottish Government-funded research programme has contributed £680 million to Scotland’s economy by helping to create jobs and further education qualifications, save carbon emissions and reduce the impacts of animal diseases.

Film Screening - We The Power- The Future Of Energy is Community-Owned

Imagine upending the traditional energy system and giving the power of clean electricity production back to your neighbours.

The Power, follows friends, families and visionaries as they break down legislative barriers and take power back from big energy companies to put it in the hands of locals and strengthen their towns.
