Planting Trees to Diversify Your Farm: Woodland creation, management and funding

Planting Trees to Diversify Your Farm: Woodland creation, management and funding

Wednesday 21 October 2020 - 09:30


Soil Association Scotland

For over 40 years, the Lockett family has been slowly but steadily planting trees on their farm in the Highlands, and using them to diversify their activity. Richard Lockett, also of the Scottish Farming and Wildlife Advisors Group (SCOTFWAG), will discuss how, as well as using the trees for livestock shelter and for wood fuel, they have created public woodland, wetlands and wildflower meadows and opened a B&B. Come along to discuss:

  • Planting trees to diversify your farm
  • Planting trees for livestock management and farm wildlife
  • Planning your woodland: the right tree in the right place
  • Broadleaf woodland management
  • Q&A with Richard Lockett
  • Funding information from Scottish Forestry

Free of charge to farmers, land managers and foresters in Scotland. Booking is required
