Webinar: Diversification in Ownership and Tenure and Negotiating Transfer of Land to Communities protocols

Webinar: Diversification in Ownership and Tenure and Negotiating Transfer of Land to Communities protocols

Tuesday 25 August 2020 - 14:00 to 15:00


Scottish Land Commission

The way land is owned and used affects the quality of life for everyone in Scotland. People and organisations that make decisions relating to land, in urban and rural Scotland, should recognise and act in line with their responsibilities, as well as their rights.

The series of protocols set out how landowners, land managers land communities can work together to make better – and fairer – decisions about land use.

This webinar will look at the Diversification in Ownership and Tenure and Negotiating Transfer of Land to Communities protocols. It will set out how landowners can help achieve a more diverse pattern of land ownership and tenure across Scotland.

The webinar explains the expectations we have for landowners in assessing the use and ownership of their current landholdings and in taking measures to maximise the opportunities for acquisition and use of land by a broad range of interested parties. It applies to all types of owners of both land and buildings in Scotland, including private estates, public bodies and community organisations. 

This webinar invites landowners and communities to consider how they can work together in an open and positive way to explore negotiated transfer, lease and management of land and buildings to meet community needs.
