Fyne Ales - New Brewery

Contact details:Project Manager: Jamie Delap Contact details: 01499 600120

What are the aims of your project?
Demand for Fyne Ales’ range of outstanding craft beer outstripped demand, and moving location wasn’t an option, so an investment in a refurbishing a farm shed and building a new brewery was required.
How did your project achieve these aims?
The new brewery increased capacity fourfold and facilitated a step improvement in quality.
Who's involved?
The whole Fyne Ales team in various roles from design through implementation through to developing the business following completion. A brilliant range of suppliers, contractors and consultants helped to make the project a success.
How was the project funded?
A mix of grants from Scottish Rural Development Programme and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) together with a Term Loan and Asset Finance from Bank of Scotland.
Where did you go for help and advice?
A range of consultants and suppliers on specification, sourcing and build. Johnson Carmichael on Corporate Finance. HIE on grant support.
What has been your greatest achievement so far?
The quality of the beers produced from the new brewery has been truly outstanding from day one and has won many prizes and accolades since.
And the biggest challenge?
Managing a major project while keeping the business moving forward with a small team was a challenge. Having a great and very committed team and then adding the right outside expertise was essential.
Any tips for others thinking about a similar project?
Make sure the central concept of what you are trying to achieve is very well thought out and fits with your wider goals and objectives. Then make sure that all your decisions are congruent with those goals.
What's next for your project?
Next steps are a number of small additional capabilities, before we make the next investment in expanding our production further later this year.
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