Food and drink

A new service has launched today to connect food and drink businesses with innovation support.

Stirling Food Summit - Community Day

A jam-packed day of inspiration, celebration and skill-sharing around food!

If you can only make it for part of the day, please come along. The event is a chance to celebrate foodie successes, share what is important to you in regards to food,enjoy free workshops about food, and of course, eat local and delicious food!

Apply now for Nourish Scotland's Making a Living from Local Food programme 2017.

Are you passionate about tasty, nutritious, locally and sustainably produced food? Are you in the process of setting up a local food enterprise or have just started one?

Ballantrae Festival of Food & Drink

Ballantrae's third Festival of Food and Drink on Sunday 11 June will see visitors flocking to what's becoming one of the must "go to" events of the food calendar.

A giant marquee in the wonderful setting of Ballantrae harbour overlooking spectacular views will provide the stage for over forty food stalls and street food providers, local chef demonstrations and food foraging expeditions. Some of the best food available in Scotland and a relaxed atmosphere combined to create a fantastic visitor experience.

The current funding round of the Food for Thought Education Fund closes for applications at the end of May.

In this article, Forth Valley and Lomond LEADER tell us about the role of their new Local Food & Drink Coordinator.

An invitation to tender for the provision of an Innovation Support Service for the agricultural, food and drink, and forestry sectors has been published by the Scottish Government.

The Scottish Rural Network Support Unit at Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Economy in the Scottish Government is looking for a provider to set up and run an Innovation Support Service.

Have your say on a plan setting out key priorities for the Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park by taking part in a public consultation.

Views are currently being sought on the draft National Park Partnership Plan 2018-2023 which sets out a vision for how the Park Authority and its partners will work together to further develop the benefits the National Park can offer Scotland's environment, society, culture and economy.

First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon has launched a new, ambitious strategy to drive growth in Scotland’s farming, fishing, food and drink industry, setting a bold new vision for the sector.

Skiffs, trails and augmented reality. You might ask what these three things have in common.  Well, they were among the many ideas discussed at the LEADER Cooperation Exchange event on 15 and 16 March in Ayrshire. 
