
An ambitious 30-year landscape-scale rewilding initiative to link up a majestic sweep of the Scottish Highlands has been launched.

The Affric Highlands initiative follows three years of consultation between Rewilding Europe, Trees for Life, and other local partners and stakeholders.

A new programme which places food tourism at the heart of the recovery of Scotland’s tourism and food and drink sectors has launched, with the appointment of 25 Regional Food Tourism Ambassadors.

First grants awarded from new £50 million fund.

More than £5 million from the new low carbon Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme, which aims to drive regeneration, enhance the environment and tackle climate change, will be shared among 10 schemes.

With just over 50 days to go until COP26 comes to Glasgow, details of Scotland’s COP26 community engagement programme have been announced.

The programme of climate change activity will engage communities in the journey to net zero and empower them to take action.

A project to manage hectares of land in and around St Andrews more sustainably will be led by the University of St Andrews to create rich, attractive places for people and wildlife to thrive.

Trees to Improve Your Farm Business

In this face-to-face, walk and talk event Iain and Marion McDonald of Ardoch and Threepland farms will be joined by Virginia Harden Scott, Woodland Creation Officer for Scottish Forestry and Dr Vicky West, UK Woodland Carbon Code Manager, Scottish Forestry, to talk about:

Integrating trees network - Mains of Fincastle

The Barbour family will introduce their family farm Mains of Fincastle, a 540 Ha beef and sheep hill farm in Perthshire.

Integrating trees network - Burnfoot Farm

Part of the Integrating Trees Network, Andrew Whiteford will introduce Burnfoot Farm, a 3500 acre hill beef and sheep farm, near Sanquhar.

He will talk about his family’s new venture into woodland creation and forest infrastructure, through the Forestry Grant Schemes Sheep and Trees grant. He'll discuss the initial thought process, the decision to plant trees, objectives, challenges and benefits etc.

The next steps in reforming the agriculture sector in Scotland and supporting farmers and crofters to cut emissions and produce sustainable, high quality food have been set out by Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon. 

People will be able to access information, advice and skills needed to thrive in a net-zero economy.

The new Green Jobs Workforce Academy, delivered by Skills Development Scotland, will help people take a greener approach to their careers, from accessing training and learning new skills, to finding a new green job.
