Good governance webinar - Are you a climate confident trustee?

Beach, sea and machair
Wednesday 5 May 2021 - 16:30

Online webinar


The SCVO Trustees Network in partnership with Aberdeen Standard Capital presents a series of good governance webinars where you can hear from experts and share your own learning and experience to ensure a sustainable future for your organisation.

Charities and voluntary organisations exist to create a better society, and with Glasgow the host of the UN Climate Change conference in November now is the time for trustees to consider their organisation’s environmental responsibilities.

This webinar will focus on why trustees should look strategically at climate change and environmental sustainability, and what might be the practical, financial and attitudinal barriers they face. Issues covered will include:

Transparency and accountability
Recycling and environmental management
Contracts and suppliers
Travel and transport
Buildings and technology
Social and ethical issues

Questions can be submitted in advance and during the webinar.
