Green finance, land reform and a just transition to net zero

This webinar discusses issues raised in ‘Green finance, land reform and a just transition to net zero’ by Jon Hollingdale, the latest in Community Land Scotland’s independent discussion paper series on ‘Land Reform and the Common Good’.
The new paper makes an important contribution to the debate about the relationship between land reform and tackling the twin climate and biodiversity crises; particularly given growing concerns about the influence and impacts of so-called ‘green lairds’ who operate within Scotland’s unusually concentrated pattern of rural land ownership, overlaid by an almost entirely unregulated market in rural land.
‘Green finance, land reform and a just transition to net zero’ addresses these concerns within the broader context of new green landowners and provides a comprehensive analysis of existing green finance mechanisms and the scope for designing policy interventions to ensure that land use plays its full part in a just transition to net zero and community wealth building.
These issues will be discussed during the forthcoming webinar by a panel including Jon Hollingdale (Chief Executive, Community Woodlands Association), Ailsa Raeburn (Chair, Community Land Scotland), Hamish Trench (Chief Executive, Scottish Land Commission) and Hugh Raven (Managing Director, Ardtornish Estate), chaired by Calum MacLeod (Policy Director, Community Land Scotland).