Evaluating the 2007-2013 Scotland Rural Development Programme

SRDP 2007-2013 Ex-Post Evaluation
James Rose

The Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) allocates European Union and Scottish Government funding for economic, environmental and social projects throughout rural Scotland.

In 2015, the Scottish Government commissioned an independent report into the previous SRDP, which ran from 2007-2013. It provides a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of the programme, highlighting both achievements and areas which needed to be improved for the current SRDP.

The full report and its appendices were published on the Scottish Government website at the end of January.

The Scottish Rural Network have summarised some of the key findings in a concise two-page flyer (previewed in the image above), which you can download below.

Appendix F of the report includes some examples of the kinds of projects that received funding, in addition to the many enlightening case studies you can find on this website.


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