Funding for Outer Hebrides community led projects announced

The Outer Hebrides Community Led Local Development Local Action Group (CLLD LAG) have launched their grant fund. In total, £90,000 of capital funding is available and applications are now sought for sums in the region of £5,000-£10,000.
Projects must contribute to the LAG’s overarching aim of ‘collaboration and Community Empowerment through inclusion, equality and diversity’, and at least one of their priorities for 2024-25, which are:
- Community Wealth Building;
- Supporting children and young people; and
- Dùthchas and Dualchas*, with a focus on identifying new approaches that can lead to economic benefits.
Slightly lower – but still very important – objectives are:
- Working towards Net Zero;
- Transport; and
- Fair work and Employability.
Applications will be accepted from constituted community groups and businesses based in the Outer Hebrides, and applicants will have to demonstrate that their project will have an obvious, long-term positive impact on island communities.
Applications must be submitted by midday on Thursday 19th September 2024 and successful applicants must be able to spend the money and complete their project between 4th October 2024 and 3rd March 2025.
The application form as well as further details about the fund can be found on, or you may contact the CLLD Coordinator on
*Dùthchas and Dualchas are Gaelic terms that are not easily translated into English but encompass a wide range of activities, sentiments and attitudes related to life in the Outer Hebrides. They could cover activity geared towards sustainability and environmental goals, traditional skills and cultural activity, or Gaelic language and heritage.