Rural Enterprise Support

Jackie Brierton - Sam Masson -

Summary of Project

A proposed cooperation project on support for rural enterprises.

More information

During the Scottish LEADER 2016, a Cooperation Cafe session was held where participants generated and discussed ideas for potential LEADER cooperation projects.

Sam Masson from Cairngorms LEADER and Jackie Brierton, Chair of Rural Perth & Kinross LEADER put forward an idea for a cooperation project providing support to rural enterprises.

The project would provide flexible support to small businesses and start-ups which meet their needs:

  • Peer-to-peer networks

  • One-to-one support

  • Create self-sustaining networks of small businesses

  • Increase confidence and sustainability

  • Provide access to small grants in a simpler way/model

  • Reduce isolation in rural businesses

  • Increasing skills and skills development

  • Encouraging women/youth/minority ethnic/SE into business

  • Encouraging businesses into growth pipeline

If you are interested in being a partner on this project, please contact Jackie Brierton or Sam Masson by emailing or

What we are looking for in partners

Partners interested in taking forward a project on Rural Enterprise Support.