Arts, culture and heritage

New legislation to prevent the chasing and killing of wild mammals for sport has been passed by the Scottish Parliament.

Scotland’s community tourism network is launching a nationwide roadshow in a bid to support existing community tourism providers and encourage more communities to take a lead in providing grassroots owned tourism facilities and services.

An agreement to invest £100 million in the future economic prosperity of Orkney, Shetland and the Outer Hebrides was signed today (20th January) in Orkney by UK and Scottish Government Ministers and the Council Leaders of the three island groups.

The Scottish Wildlife Trust have just released an excellent and engaging film about the relationship between islanders and the sea focusing on Orkney. 'Our film – Oceans of Value', captures interviews with 26 local people in Orkney to unearth their values and relationship with the sea, how they have seen the marine environment change and how they would like to see it managed in the future.

Scottish Community Pubs Network Zoom

The Plunkett Foundation is delighted to invite you to their next online networking event for Scottish community pub groups. This evening’s free event is funded by the Scottish Rural Network (part of the Scottish Governments Rural Development Programme) and is open to all community groups involved in a community owned pub project in Scotland whether you are at ideas stage or already open and trading.

Burns and the Environment

Probably Scotland's most famous agricultural worker also did some writting on the side!

The Scottish Land Commission is driving a programme of land reform spanning both urban and rural land, to create a Scotland where land is owned and used in ways that are fair, responsible and productive.

Land @ Lunch - How can you get involved in local land decisions?

The second instalment of the Scottish Land Commission’s popular free online webinar series has returned to coach people across Scotland on how to make the most of opportunities  with the land and buildings around them.

Over 180 diverse projects across rural Scotland, will receive grants ranging from £100,000 to less than £500, from the Rural & Island Communities Ideas into Action (RICIA) fund.

The fund encourages and supports not-for-profit community groups with innovative approaches to community-led local development which include solutions to net zero and just transition goals, tackling rural poverty and supporting rural communities through the cost crisis.

Information on the Scottish Government Population Programme published.

The Population Programme is a cross-cutting programme of work which aims to deliver Scotland’s Population Strategy, which articulates a vision for Scotland’s population profile to provide a platform for economic success, prosperity and wellbeing across Scotland’s communities.
