Arts, culture and heritage

A Culture Strategy for Scotland – Dunfermline’s Culture Conversation

The Scottish Government is developing a Culture Strategy for Scotland. They're holding events in different parts of the country to encourage anyone who has an interest in a strategy to engage with them and contribute to #scotlandscultureconversation. They want to hear your views and ideas about culture in Scotland, and the direction it should take, as well as the main challenges and issues you think the strategy should seek to address.

A Culture Strategy for Scotland – Edinburgh’s Culture Conversation

The Scottish Government is developing a Culture Strategy for Scotland. They're holding events in different parts of the country to encourage anyone who has an interest in a strategy to engage with them and contribute to #scotlandscultureconversation. They want to hear your views and ideas about culture in Scotland, and the direction it should take, as well as the main challenges and issues you think the strategy should seek to address.

A Culture Strategy for Scotland - Skye's Cultural Conversation

Purpose of this event:

The Scottish Government is developing a Culture Strategy for Scotland. They're holding events in different parts of the country to encourage anyone who has an interest in a strategy to engage with them and contribute to #scotlandscultureconversation. They want to hear your views and ideas about culture in Scotland, and the direction it should take, as well as the main challenges and issues you think the strategy should seek to address.

A Culture Strategy for Scotland – Aberdeen’s Culture Conversation

The Scottish Government is developing a Culture Strategy for Scotland. They're holding events in different parts of the country to encourage anyone who has an interest in a strategy to engage with them and contribute to #scotlandscultureconversation. They want to hear your views and ideas about culture in Scotland, and the direction it should take, as well as the main challenges and issues you think the strategy should seek to address.

Strengthening Communities Conference - September 2017

A summary report from the recent ‘Strengthening Communities Conference' is now available.

The HIE event took place in Aviemore on 21-22 September 2017. Around 250 people attended from a wide range of organisations such as community groups, social enterprises, development officers, support agencies and policy staff who have a focus on community-led local development.

The UK Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has issued a public call for evidence on the economic and social impacts of the UK's exit from the European Union.  So if you have evidence you can share around the potential impact for rural communities and businesses, please send it to   The call for evidence is accompanied by a note outlining some preliminary analysis of the UK labour market and other countries’ migration systems to kick-start the process.

Digital skills training session

Voluntary Arts Scotland is bringing a digital skills training session to Inverness on 4 November, which is being funded by the Scottish Government as part of it's wider Digital Scotland programme delivered through SCVO's Digital Participation Charter Fund.

This training is specifically aimed at people aged 50+ who help run creative activity.

The workshop will cover:

  • How to set up and manage a Facebook group or page

  • Facebook advertising explained

  • How to edit photos and create posters and flyers using Canva 

Poppyscotland is developing the Moving Poppy – a mobile unit conceived as a unique legacy to commemorate the end of the First World War and to teach young people the ongoing importance of Remembrance and the significance of the poppy.

Festival of the Sea

Festival of the Sea - 10am to 4pm - free

  • market stalls
  • fresh seafood
  • cooked seafood
  • cooking demos by real fishermen and Seafood Scotland
  • arts and crafts
  • live music by Emma Whyte and other great Scottish talents
  • licensed bar
  • West Coast whiskies
  • photo exhibition by Ken Dundas and Michael Russell MSP
  • sea creatures face painting
  • and much more

Premier of play 'Something Fishy' - 7.30pm - £12 full price/£10 concession/£15 for play and ceilidh

Skerryvore and Tide Lines

The Darvel Music Company presents 'Skerryvore' with special guests 'Tide Lines' live on 8 December 2017. 

The Darvel Music Company was formed to promote music culture, music development and live musical performance within Darvel and other communities within East Ayrshire.
