Arts, culture and heritage

Vikki Doig from Youth Theatre Arts Scotland tells us about an exciting event coming up in March.

Greenwood and Timber Framing course

The Scottish Crannog Centre is delighted to host a unique opportunity to learn greenwood and timber framing skills using round wood with the aim of building an ‘Iron Age’ style shelter. 

The course will be lead by Mike Ellis of Helmsdale Charcoal and Coppice and held over a week from 19 to 23 February and 26 February to 2 March.

Greenwood and Timber Framing Course

The Scottish Crannog Centre is delighted to host a unique opportunity to learn greenwood and timber framing skills using round wood with the aim of building an ‘Iron Age’ style shelter. 

The course will be lead by Mike Ellis of Helmsdale Charcoal and Coppice and held over a week from 19 to 23 February and 26 February to 2 March.

Gordon Castle Estate
Name of organisation/business: 
Gordon Castle Estate
£302,000 SRDP
Day of the Region
Name of organisation/business: 
Dumfries and Galloway LEADER Programme
£243,194.66 over three years - Dumfries & Galloway LEADER
Ceòlas and the EOST project
Name of organisation/business: 
£81,452 - Outer Hebrides LEADER

The Annual Implementation Report (AIR) of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) has been published.

Covering the first three years of the 2014-2020 Programme, the full report and Summary for Citizens can be viewed on the Scottish Government website.

Over half a million pounds has been awarded to projects in the first funding round from the new Moray LEADER Programme.

The first successful projects include Macbeth-themed holiday lodges, an exciting new social enterprise hub, a major event highlighting the issue of poverty in the area and renovation work on one of Elgin's top attractions.

Wood Works Enterprise Taster Weekend

Are you 18-24 years old, interested in setting up a woodland enterprise or developing your crafting skills with a view to selling your hand made products?

Then why not join us for this free taster weekend to try out new skills and think business!

You can have your say on the future Culture Strategy by attending events, holding your own event or contributing online.

The Scottish Government is developing a Culture Strategy for Scotland. The culture strategy is being developed over a number of phases. They are currently in the engagement phase, gathering ideas and views through Scotland-wide Culture Conversations.
