
Appointment of Members to the Board of Quality Meat Scotland (x3)

NatureScot has used its intervention powers to carry out a cull of red deer in Sutherland.

Strategy to deliver a just transition for the energy sector published.

A route map to secure Scotland’s fastest possible fair and just transition away from fossil fuels has been published.

The draft ‘Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan’ sets out a plan for Scotland’s renewables revolution to be accelerated as North Sea basin resources decline.

Energy strategy to shape next 25 years of energy production.

Reducing Inputs: An Integrated Approach

Join Soil Association Scotland at Balbirnie Home Farms in Fife, where you will explore what a whole-farm, integrated approach looks like, hear about Balbirnie’s journey and the factors which influenced the move to an integrated approach.

Burns and the Environment

Probably Scotland's most famous agricultural worker also did some writting on the side!

The Scottish Land Commission is driving a programme of land reform spanning both urban and rural land, to create a Scotland where land is owned and used in ways that are fair, responsible and productive.

Land @ Lunch - How can you get involved in local land decisions?

The second instalment of the Scottish Land Commission’s popular free online webinar series has returned to coach people across Scotland on how to make the most of opportunities  with the land and buildings around them.

This year Scottish Rural Network (SRN) continue to support Community Led Local Development (CLLD) through a range of projects and activities.

One of the approaches we’ve taken is to support rural and island communities seeking to develop community assets by working in partnership with the Plunkett Foundation. Their expertise in this areas has allowed us to focus on community ownership of pubs and shops.
