
Agriculture, nature and public money - consultation workshop

This workshop is designed to gather views from the people of Scotland. Anyone interested in food, nature, and wellbeing is welcome to attend. You do not have to be an expert in any of these fields to contribute. You can expect a welcoming and inclusive space, and an engaging discussion.

Agriculture, nature and public money - consultation workshop

This workshop is designed to gather views from the people of Scotland. Anyone interested in food, nature, and wellbeing is welcome to attend. You do not have to be an expert in any of these fields to contribute. You can expect a welcoming and inclusive space, and an engaging discussion.

Farming, food, nature and public money - workshop

This workshop is designed to gather views from the people of Scotland. Anyone interested in food, nature, and wellbeing is welcome to attend. You do not have to be an expert in any of these fields to contribute. You can expect a welcoming and inclusive space, and an engaging discussion.

Workshop: A Beginner’s Guide to Trees & Carbon

The Community Woodlands Association is hosting a free, online workshop to help members, staff and directors of community woodland groups understand how trees and woodlands work in the carbon cycle.

The nature agencies of the four nations of the United Kingdom have come together, ahead of COP15 in December, to call on governments to keep biodiversity loss and climate change at the top of the agenda.

The Scottish Government are investing around £50 million a year into a portfolio of strategic research to ensure that Scotland maintains its position at the very cutting edge of advances in agriculture, natural resources and the environment. This will continue to build an evidence base to support policy needs in the environment, natural resources and agriculture portfolio and contribute to the delivery the National Performance Framework.

Trees and carbon credits on your farm

Join the Integrating Trees Network to hear and discuss what the Woodland Carbon Code is, how it works, and what makes your trees eligible.

European Regenerative Agriculture Community Conference

The AgriCaptureCO2 project is delighted to present the second edition of the European Regenerative Agriculture Community Conference. Set up in November 2021, the European Regenerative Agriculture Community is a space for exchange and learning among farmers, researchers, and other stakeholders interested in regenerative farming.

Mental Wellness & Resilience for the Climate Crisis

Increasing global temperatures are producing big disruptions to the systems people rely on for basic needs, mixed with more frequent, extreme, and prolonged disasters.

New thinking and approaches are needed to address the scale and scope of the traumas racing our way. This involves a public health and community-led approach to enhancing and sustaining mental health and wellbeing at a local level.

A pioneering community group in Glengarry in the Scottish Highlands has this week launched a bid to raise £250,000 to fund Glengarry Forest Cabins (GFC), a sustainable new eco-tourism destination in the area.
