
€​470 million of Horizon 2020 funding is available for research projects on farming, food and the bioeconomy. 

Horizon 2020 is the biggest European Union Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over seven years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract.

Calls open in October 2019.

Crowdfund Scotland Workshop | West Lothian, Broxburn

The Crowdfund Scotland team are running a workshop on Wednesday the 31st July in association with their partners at LEADER.

This will be an introductory session suitable for anyone who wants to find out more about this method of fundraising and the potential uses for local projects, and is also a chance to meet a crowdfund coach who gives direct support on crowdfunding projects. Anyone with a project idea requiring funding is invited to attend. 

Topics to be covered:

  • What is crowdfunding?

  • Introducing Crowdfund Scotland

Crowdfund Scotland Workshop | Tyne Esk LEADER

The Crowdfund Scotland team are running a workshop on Wednesday the 31st July in association with their partners at LEADER.

This will be an introductory session suitable for anyone who wants to find out more about this method of fundraising and the potential uses for local projects, and is also a chance to meet a crowdfund coach who gives direct support on crowdfunding projects. Anyone with a project idea requiring funding is invited to attend. 

Topics to be covered:

  • What is crowdfunding?

  • Introducing Crowdfund Scotland

The LEADER staff travelled to the Isle of Lewis this week where the Outer Hebrides LEADER team hosted the latest LEADER staff group meeting. On Wednesday afternoon, the meeting began with a workshop, delivered by Alistair Prior from the SRN focusing on evaluation. The LEADER staff were given an opportunity to share and discuss their experiences with a view to agreeing a set of questions for evaluating LEADER and collectively deciding next steps.

The Dumfries & Galloway LEADER team is delighted to announce the recent launch of the Dumfries & Galloway LEADER Rural Awards 2019.  These awards aim to recognise and celebrate the achievements of projects in the 2014 - 2020 LEADER Programme as well as local projects funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).

As part of the Gender Pay Gap Action Plan, up to £5m will support up to 2,000 women return to work in sectors - including agriculture where they are under-represented - by bringing their skills up to date and providing access to work experience placements.

In addition, three pilot training programmes developed by the Women in Agriculture Taskforce, specifically aimed at women living or working in Scottish agriculture, have been launched by Equalities Minister Christina McKelvie ahead of the Royal Highland Show.

Ms McKelvie said:

Fergus Ewing MSP offered his services locally last week as he opened an event vying for the continuation of EU funds.  The Tyne Esk LEADER Past, Present and Future event showcased the work done by the fund across rural Midlothian and East Lothian, and called for elected officials to endorse it in post-Brexit discussions.

Stirling High was a hive of activity on Thursday (6 June) as the local food community gathered for the launch of Alive with Local Food: a joint initiative, by Stirling Council and Forth Valley and Lomond Leader, to support and develop the local food sector. The Scottish Rural Network were also there, camera's at the ready - so stay tuned for our upcoming film from the event!

More than 100 miles of new and improved paths will be created across Scotland as part of a scheme to boost outdoor access.

Crowdfund Scotland: Greater Renfrewshire and Inverclyde - Eaglesham

The Crowdfund Scotland team are running a workshop on Tuesday the 10th of September in association with their partners at LEADER.

This will be an introductory session suitable for anyone who wants to find out more about this method of fundraising and the potential uses for local projects.

Topics to be covered:

  • What is crowdfunding?

  • Introducing Crowdfund Scotland

  • What are the benefits of crowdfunding?

  • What makes a good crowdfunding project?

  • Three steps to success
