
Due to fewer applications coming forward than expected there is still approximately £150,000 available from Orkney LEADER for farm diversification/sectoral business support projects in Orkney.

Fourteen projects across the UK have been awarded a share of more than £300,000 in the latest round of funding from the Prince's Countryside Fund.

More than a million pounds has been awarded this year to support crofters to get better housing.

The Scottish Government's Croft House Grant Scheme provides grants for crofters to improve and maintain the standards of crofter housing, with the aim of attracting and retaining people within the crofting areas of Scotland.

Funding may be used for:

2018 Climate Challenge Fund Gathering

The 2018 Climate Challenge Fund Gathering will celebrate a decade of the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund and recognise youth contributions in this Year of Young People. The event will also provide opportunities to network with the CCF Community.

Tickets to the Gathering are free and open to CCF Grant Recipients and representatives of other organisations with an interest in taking community-led action on climate change.

Groups across the country have been awarded a share of £1,646,972 in the latest round of funding from the Scottish Land Fund.

Understanding Social Investment

This workshop is for anyone looking for a greater understanding of social investment, and time to explore the opportunities and challenges in relation their own particular scenario. Come and find out:

Understanding Social Investment

This workshop is for anyone looking for a greater understanding of social investment, and time to explore the opportunities and challenges in relation their own particular scenario. Come and find out:

Understanding Social Investment

This workshop is for anyone looking for a greater understanding of social investment, and time to explore the opportunities and challenges in relation their own particular scenario. Come and find out:

Understanding Social Investment

This workshop is for anyone looking for a greater understanding of social investment, and time to explore the opportunities and challenges in relation their own particular scenario. Come and find out:

Understanding Social Investment

This workshop is for anyone looking for a greater understanding of social investment, and time to explore the opportunities and challenges in relation their own particular scenario. Come and find out:
