National Rural Mental Health Forum Seminar

Wednesday 31 January 2024 - 11:00 to 13:00


National Rural Mental Health Forum

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1 1am - Welcome and Introductions.

1 1:05am Hannah Dibnah – Change Mental Health. An opportunity to hear about the Young People’s programmes at Change Mental Health. This will include the ongoing co-production work with young people from rural communities and our new programme Me & Money, which aims to provide young people with an understanding of the interconnection between money and mental health, empower young people by supporting them to understand how our attitudes towards money can influence our thoughts and behaviours and equip young people with a suite of resilience-building skills and tools related to money which they can use to support themselves, now and in the future

11:45am - 20 years of NHS Breathing Space- Lisa-Jane Dock

12:25pm - Explore: Mental health and gambling-related harm, Georgina Charlton

The ALLIANCE Scotland Reducing Gambling Harm programme will present findings from their report ‘Explore: mental health and gambling harm’ which shares insights from their roundtable event on mental health and gambling harms in May 2023. This event brought together people with lived experience, those who work in addressing and reducing gambling harms and those who work across mental health to discuss challenges and propose solutions to take forward as a collaborative. It is hoped these solutions influence a range of actors across society to address the link between gambling harm and poor mental health. Key themes which will be explored include difficulties accessing treatment and support, the need for a collective voice, and the impact of stigma.

1 2:55pm - AOCB and date of next meeting.

1 pm - Close
