Arts, culture and heritage

Saving Wildcats talk at Laggan Village Hall

European wildcats crossed from the Continent into Britain after the end of the last Ice Age, around 9,000 years ago. Once widespread, the species is now on the brink of extinction in Scotland. A sad history of habitat loss, persecution and, more recently, breeding with domestic cats, has forced the Highland Tiger to a point where the population is no longer viable.  Without urgent action, wildcats will be lost forever from our shores.

MyParkScotland have announced the launch of the first round of the Parks4Life Community Fund. 

The primary goal of the Parks4Life Community Fund is to support community groups to deliver on their aim in bringing their parks to life and make the best of our parks for everyone to enjoy now and in the future.

To help share learning and inspire community organisations, Scottish Rural Network have published a trio of video case studies focusing on rural and island community resources and spaces.

Scottish Agritourism Conference 2024

This Conference will bring together everyone interested in the development of agritourism in Scotland.

It will be a great chance to get together, network and build relationships.

The conference is set to welcome:

Village halls are often the heart of a community. They are places for people to gather, learn, access services and have fun. Making sure they are well run and maintained is an important but not always easy role, often fulfilled by committed volunteers and workers.

MSPs have backed legislation giving councils a new power to introduce a visitor levy that would raise funding for local visitor facilities and services.

The Touring Network are hosting a series of events connecting professional touring performers and producers with community venues. They’ll be chatting through the highs and lows of making, promoting and presenting live performances, in and for geographically remote parts of Scotland.

Scotland’s agritourism sector is celebrating after winning a bid to host the World Agritourism Conference in 2026. The announcement was made in Bolzano, Italy on Friday 17th May, at a gathering of world leaders in agritourism, who represent the recently formed Global Agritourism Network.

Scientists and volunteers are joining together for Orca Watch this May. 

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) are once more celebrating the inspirational people, projects and partnerships that support Scotland’s species, and they need your help to find them!  
