Arts, culture and heritage

Restoring and Running Historic Buildings

Taking on a historic or heritage building is a great achievement for community groups and can provide huge benefits and opportunities to the local community.

31st International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth

Think globally – Get together and act locally

Since 1962 the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has organised the "International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth".

Fine Tune Your Social Enterprise for Start Ups

Just Enterprise’s Fine Tune events offer an opportunity for early stage social enterprises to access expert business and technical support in one day. They are also a brilliant way to get inspired and connect with other social entrepreneurs.

This next Fine Tune session will have a fantastic line up of speakers and panellists ready to share their knowledge and experience with participants.

Countryside Visitors - Who Pays?

Rural tourism makes a massive contribution to Scotland’s economy, including generating £1.2 billion from walking tourism alone, as well as improving the country’s social capital in terms of health and wellbeing.

But many who live in rural communitie are not getting their fair share of the benefits.

Scoto - Islands Roadshows

SCOTO is a network of community tourism enterprises located throughout Scotland and led by a team of dynamic individuals who each have extensive and varied experience in community tourism.

From January to March 2023, SCOTO is on tour to raise awareness of the scale and impact of community led tourism across Scotland.

Scoto - North & West Roadshows

SCOTO is a network of community tourism enterprises located throughout Scotland and led by a team of dynamic individuals who each have extensive and varied experience in community tourism.

From January to March 2023, SCOTO is on tour to raise awareness of the scale and impact of community led tourism across Scotland.

SCOTO - South East Roadshows

SCOTO is a network of community tourism enterprises located throughout Scotland and led by a team of dynamic individuals who each have extensive and varied experience in community tourism.

From January to March 2023, SCOTO is on tour to raise awareness of the scale and impact of community led tourism across Scotland.

SCOTO - South West Roadshows

SCOTO is a network of community tourism enterprises located throughout Scotland and led by a team of dynamic individuals who each have extensive and varied experience in community tourism.

From January to March 2023, SCOTO is on tour to raise awareness of the scale and impact of community led tourism across Scotland.

SCOTO - North East Roadshows

SCOTO is a network of community tourism enterprises located throughout Scotland and led by a team of dynamic individuals who each have extensive and varied experience in community tourism.

From January to March 2023, SCOTO is on tour to raise awareness of the scale and impact of community led tourism across Scotland.

Community Map Scotland

The Improvement Service, Scottish Rural Action and Geoxphere are hosting a free evening webinar for community councillors to learn more about Community Map Scotland. The webinar will take place online on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 15th February at 6pm.
