Community development

People from around the world would be supported to live, work and raise families in Scotland’s rural and island communities in the event of independence, under Scottish Government proposals.

The latest ‘Building a New Scotland’ prospectus paper focuses on migration in an independent Scotland and sets out how a new Live in Scotland Visa would help to address depopulation in rural areas.

Village halls and community hubs are often the heart of rural and island communities. They are places for people to gather, learn, access services and have fun. Making sure they are well run and maintained is an important but not always easy role, often fulfilled by committed volunteers and workers.

The Scottish Rural and Islands Parliament (SRIP) is an important opportunity for voice of rural and island communities to help reinforce the importance of local democracy and to help shape the emerging Rural Delivery Plan. The theme of this year’s SRIP was Village Halls and Community Spaces.

Discover Crown Estate Scotland

The event will be chaired by EDAS Board member, David McIntosh, an expert in Net Zero & Climate Change and Economic Development, currently seconded to Scottish Government from the Scottish Futures Trust.  

The Scottish Land Commission is taking a groundbreaking step to ensure the well-being of local communities by introducing fresh guidelines that emphasise the importance of community-centred land use decisions.

The National Centre for Resilience (NCR) have announced that their ‘Community Councils Fund’ is open with applications closing on 31 January 2024.

The funding is for Community Councils to develop local resilience plans that address potential natural hazards such as heavy snow, landslides, high winds, and other disruptive events and subsequently enhance their local community preparedness and response to natural hazards.

Holyrood’s Rural Affairs and Islands Committee has today launched a call for views to inform its consideration of the Scottish Government’s Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Bill. 

The legislation represents the Scottish Government’s ‘vision for agriculture’ to transform farming and food production in Scotland and to make it a global leader in sustainable and regenerative agriculture.

With National Mentoring Day on the 27th of October, enterprise support organisation GrowBiz is asking those in the rural business community to consider whether they can give something back by volunteering as a mentor.

SCOTO Gathering

SCOTO is a network of community tourism enterprises located throughout Scotland and led by a team of dynamic individuals who each have extensive and varied experience in community tourism.

Meet Our Expert: Business Adviser

We are Central Scotland’s Business Support Organisation and for the last 30 years we've been ‘Keeping it Central’…By providing a unique business ecosystem where businesses can start, grow, and scale in a supportive, innovative and sustainable environment, all whilst investing 100% of what we generate into activity designed to grow the local economy.Because if Central Scotland is successful.
