
Scottish Agritourism Roadshow - Caithness and Sutherland

This event is being run jointly with Scottish Agritourism and Venture North with support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise. The event is open to farmers, crofters, other business owners and anyone else who has an interest in agritourism and the opportunity that it presents for Caithness and Sutherland.

New research that explores the role that migrant workers play within the agricultural sector has been published.

Commenting on the ‘Seasonal Migrant Workers in Scottish Agriculture’ report, Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon said:

Scotland’s first array of floating solar panels will be installed this year as part of an innovative move to generate renewable energy and reduce carbon emissions.

First Minister Humza Yousaf toured the manufacturing facility of Nova Innovation in Leith where the panels are being tested before their launch.

A new framework to strengthen Scotland’s engagement with global connections has been published.

The Scottish Connections Framework seeks to expand links and networks with:

The study, by a sub-group of NatureScot’s Scientific Advisory Committee, analyses the unprecedented avian flu outbreak among wild birds since 2021, providing advice to support the work of Scotland's Avian Flu Task Force.

The Scottish Export Index (formally Scottish Export Awards) is returning for the first time since 2018, in recognition of the continued success of Scotland’s exporters on the world stage, which is believed to account for £87.1bn worth of exports globally

Using remotely-operated underwater drones and snorkeling equipment, a small number of pearl mussels were discovered in two lochs in Sutherland and the Trossachs. The survey was carried out by NatureScot and funded by the Scottish Government’s Central Research Fund.

Seafood businesses and marine organisations in Scotland’s coastal communities are set to benefit from a new year of funding through Marine Fund Scotland.

Small scale producers are set to have access to a range of new support designed to create more localised supply chains and cut food miles.

The Scottish Government’s Small Producers Pilot Fund aims to help individual small producers increase their resilience and enhance their contribution to the rural economy.

Land @ Lunch - What practical tools are available to tackle vacant and derelict land?

Land is at the heart of Scotland’s identity, economy and communities.

The Scottish Land Commission is driving a programme of land reform spanning both urban and rural land, to create a Scotland where land is owned and used in ways that are fair, responsible and productive.
