
Official statistics published last week by NatureScot, Scotland’s nature agency, show that the abundance (number of individuals in a species) and occupancy (number of sites where a species is present) of 2,803 Scotland’s marine and terrestrial species have stabilised at levels similar to the 1990s, well below historic populations.

A total of 680 rural businesses with projects that protect the environment and mitigate the impacts of climate change will share more than £14 million this year from the Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (AECS).

A  “cutting edge” study published today has put an economic value on Scotland’s woodlands in helping to prevent flooding.

It estimates that the capacity of woodlands to store water and slow down run-off to downstream communities after heavy rain, is worth almost £100 million a year in Scotland.

With the prospect of wetter winters due to the effects of climate change, and more intense rainfall in summer, the ability of trees to reduce flood risk is becoming increasingly important. 

Appointment of Members to the Board of Quality Meat Scotland (x3)

NatureScot has used its intervention powers to carry out a cull of red deer in Sutherland.

Findings for Scotland from the Small Business Survey 2021.

We are now seeking views on a proposed definition of ‘Gypsies and Travellers’ for the specific purposes of the planning legislation. 

Strategy to deliver a just transition for the energy sector published.

A route map to secure Scotland’s fastest possible fair and just transition away from fossil fuels has been published.

The draft ‘Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan’ sets out a plan for Scotland’s renewables revolution to be accelerated as North Sea basin resources decline.

Energy strategy to shape next 25 years of energy production.
