
As part of a nationally representative sample, the survey by the Woodland Trust found deep concerns about the future among 16-24-year-olds, with almost one in four (24%) saying fears over the climate crisis mean they are willing to consider, or have already decided, to have fewer children than they would otherwise like.

Land @ Lunch - What practical tools are available to tackle vacant and derelict land?

Land is at the heart of Scotland’s identity, economy and communities.

The Scottish Land Commission is driving a programme of land reform spanning both urban and rural land, to create a Scotland where land is owned and used in ways that are fair, responsible and productive.

Continuing to build relationships with Arctic neighbours will help Scotland pursue shared ambitions and address common challenges, External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson has said.

A new Emergency Alert mobile phone warning service launched across the UK on Sunday 19 March.

Scotland will take part in a trial of a UK Government system which will use new mobile broadcasting technology to save lives during emergencies.  

A growing network of Scottish landholdings committed to rewilding has recorded dramatic ecological and economic impacts in its first two years.

The Northwoods Rewilding Network, which has grown to 55 partners spanning the length and breadth of Scotland, has reported its first set of outcomes since it was established in April 2021 by rewilding charity SCOTLAND: The Big Picture.

Today saw the publication by Scottish Government of guidance that has been produced to provide informal, non-statutory guidance which aims to clarify the requirements that apply to imports of bees into Scotland from certain parts of the British Isles, from the EU and the rest of the world.

Local communities across Scotland will be supported to take climate action in their areas through a new nationwide network of Climate Action Hubs.

This follows the success of two pathfinder hubs in the North East and the Highlands, which helped to widen participation in climate action and have supported a range of projects, including on local energy and flood mitigation.

Crofters across Scotland will be able to apply for larger sums of money to upgrade their housing under the Croft House Grant.

To help ensure more crofters and their families can benefit, the government is increasing the grant rate for home improvements from 40% to 60% of the total project cost – with a maximum grant of £38,000.

With this week being nature Nature Restoration Skills Week, NatureScot and partners have put together a programme of free training events focussed on skills for nature restoration. 
