Rural services

The Scottish Government has produced a model Company Limited by Guarantee template, to enable a crofting community to form a Company Limited by Guarantee, for the purposes of exercising the right to buy land, a tenants interest in land and sporting interests, under Part 3 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003.

Private rent increases will be capped at 3% and restrictions will remain on enforcement of evictions under measures approved today by MSPs.

The changes to the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) Act will mean that from 1 April 2023:

Support for community groups bringing people and communities together to tackle isolation has been launched today.

The £3.8 million Social Isolation and Loneliness Fund is part of a new plan, Recovering our Connections, that aims to reduce inequality by bringing people from communities across Scotland together.

Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ)

National Rural Mental Health Forum

For 50 years, the mission of 'Change Mental Health' has remained the same: to help and support people affected by mental illness.

The award-winning Be Your Best Self personal development programme for Women in Agriculture is an integral part of the Scottish Government’s vision to make Scottish agriculture a fairer, more inclusive industry, where farm succession is not determined by gender, training is accessible to everyone, and more women take on senior roles in agricultural organisations.

Paths For All have recently launched the Ian Findlay Path Fund which supports the improvement of local paths within and between communities, making it easier for people to choose active travel and public transport for everyday journeys.

The current Programme for Government contains a commitment to establish at least one new National Park in Scotland by Spring 2026. 

Rewilding charity Trees for Life – working on behalf of a partnership that includes government agency Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) and four private landowners – is to apply for a government licence to reintroduce beavers to Glen Affric in the Scottish Highlands, following an extensive community consultation.

The Scottish Government have launched a consultation about how Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) will contribute to the vision of marine environment being clean, healthy, safe, productive, diverse and managed to meet the long term needs of nature and people. 
