Sport and leisure

The study, by a sub-group of NatureScot’s Scientific Advisory Committee, analyses the unprecedented avian flu outbreak among wild birds since 2021, providing advice to support the work of Scotland's Avian Flu Task Force.

The first cohort of Nature Pioneers has embarked on their journey to mobilise community action for nature as part of the Nextdoor Nature project being led by the Scottish Wildlife Trust.

Twelve people from seven community areas have committed to undertake a skills development course over the next six months that will provide them with the understanding, resources and confidence needed to organise action for nature where they live.

Supporting Outdoor Play

Planning reforms to boost play provision.

Children and young people will have more opportunities to play outside under new planning reforms.

£50 million investment.

Children will have access to high quality play areas, which will remain free of charge, as a result of new investment.

As part of a nationally representative sample, the survey by the Woodland Trust found deep concerns about the future among 16-24-year-olds, with almost one in four (24%) saying fears over the climate crisis mean they are willing to consider, or have already decided, to have fewer children than they would otherwise like.

A growing network of Scottish landholdings committed to rewilding has recorded dramatic ecological and economic impacts in its first two years.

The Northwoods Rewilding Network, which has grown to 55 partners spanning the length and breadth of Scotland, has reported its first set of outcomes since it was established in April 2021 by rewilding charity SCOTLAND: The Big Picture.


This month the Scottish Government published its National Strategy for Economic Transformation. This sets out the priorities for Scotland’s economy as well as the actions needed to maximise the opportunities of the next decade to achieve our vision of a wellbeing economy.

Paths For All have recently launched the Ian Findlay Path Fund which supports the improvement of local paths within and between communities, making it easier for people to choose active travel and public transport for everyday journeys.

The current Programme for Government contains a commitment to establish at least one new National Park in Scotland by Spring 2026. 
