
Winners of the 2017 Nature of Scotland Awards include Scotland's first-ever snorkel trail, a community garden and a project tackling plastic pollution.

The Annual Implementation Report (AIR) of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) has been published.

Covering the first three years of the 2014-2020 Programme, the full report and Summary for Citizens can be viewed on the Scottish Government website.

Over half a million pounds has been awarded to projects in the first funding round from the new Moray LEADER Programme.

The first successful projects include Macbeth-themed holiday lodges, an exciting new social enterprise hub, a major event highlighting the issue of poverty in the area and renovation work on one of Elgin's top attractions.

An exciting new LEADER-funded project to increase horse-riding holidays in the Scottish Borders has received the go ahead.

Funds have now been secured to employ an equestrian tourism coordinator for 2 years. They will liaise with all relevant interests including businesses and land managers to encourage cooperation, develop marketing, improve digital mapping and to support local and longer distance rides.

RSPB Scotland have announced the shortlist for their Nature of Scotland Awards 2017.

The awards find and celebrate the most dedicated and passionate people working to protect Scotland's internationally renowned wildlife and habitats.

The Scottish Seabird Centre has unveiled plans for interactive exhibits to feature in the new proposed national marine centre at North Berwick.

A marine theatre, marine laboratory and a stunning observatory are just some of the planned exhibits at the proposed centre, which aims to become a must-visit destination as well as being a high-quality facility for people who live locally.

Stranraer Oyster Festival

The three-day festival will encourage visitors to celebrate the seafood heritage of Stranraer in the south west of Scotland. The catch from Scotland's only wild, native oyster fishery will be the focal point of the event, taking place from 15 to 17 September 2017.

The festival marks the start of the oyster harvesting season and starts with an oyster landing ceremony, complete with oysters being piped ashore, live music, a giant paella for visitors to the festival to share in, a community performance with the support of Oceanallover and fireworks. 

Scotland's first oyster festival will take place in Stranraer this September.

The three-day festival will encourage visitors to celebrate the seafood heritage of Stranraer in the south west of Scotland. The catch from Scotland's only wild, native oyster fishery will be the focal point of the event, taking place from 15 to 17 September 2017.

Small town art biennial

We are looking for international platforms to exchange artists through biennial style events.

Find out more
The Chalet - Holidays for all
Tyne Esk LEADER - £60,650
