
Researchers from The James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen are conducting surveys to understand the challenges of opportunities facing Scotland’s vast rural areas. In particular, their research focuses on localities as potential places to live, rural travel, and local food. 

Scotland’s first ever National Islands Plan was published in 2019 and is now being reviewed as required by the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018, which may lead to the publication of a new National Islands Plan. 

Moray Climate Assembly - A Climate Action Hub for Moray

The Scottish Government is investing £234,333 to support Moray communities to respond to the climate and nature emergency through a new climate action hub.

This is part of a network of regional climate action hubs being set up to support communities across Scotland.

Scottish Rural and Islands Parliament

Scottish Rural Action are delighted to invite you to join them for this year’s Scottish Rural & Islands Parliament, a gathering that celebrates the diverse voices and unique challenges faced by rural and island communities.

The Scottish Government has published its first steps towards developing just transition plans for three key sectors of the Scottish economy, with discussion papers published for Built Environment and Construction, Land Use and Agriculture, and Transport.

The Transport portfolio will be restored as a Cabinet position as First Minister Humza Yousaf changed Màiri McAllan’s Cabinet Secretary remit to ‘Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition’.

Alongside this change, experienced former Cabinet Secretary Fiona Hyslop re-joins government as the new Minister for Transport. The range of experience Ms Hyslop brings to the role extends across the era of the Scottish Parliament, having held multiple ministerial roles, including responsibility for the economy.

There is still time to take part in the Scottish Government review of the National Outcomes, which closes on the 12 June 2023. The review is required within every five years, under the Community Empowerment Act (2015).

The Natural & Cultural Heritage Fund (NCHF) has been hailed a success for supporting 13 major new projects showcasing the outstanding local scenery, wildlife, and culture of the Highlands & Islands.

Scottish Rural Action (SRA) have announced that this year, the fifth Scottish Rural and Islands Parliament (SRIP) will take place from the 1st to the 3rd of November in Fort William at the Nevis Centre. This year's main theme is 'village halls and community spaces'.

Projects designed to stimulate economic activity, boost tourism and improve community assets on Scotland’s islands will share £4.1 million in the latest round of funding from the Islands Programme.
