Edinburgh City Council

Driving Innovation in Scottish Agri-Food

Agrimetrics invites you to “Driving Innovation in Scottish Agri-Food”.

Come along to hear the latest developments in Scottish agri-food innovation, meet the new Agri-Tech centres, learn who the knowledge providers are and understand what support there is for innovation.

Move to a new purpose-built bakery
Name of organisation/business: 
Breadwinner Bakery
Food Processing, Marketing and Cooperation scheme: £19,650

2016 Biodiversity Science Conference - Connecting People and Environment

The relationships between people and the environment are central to both driving and addressing the major current threats to biodiversity. There is growing concern that many people are becoming increasingly disconnected from their environment.

Conserving biodiversity, and sustainably managing our environment, needs an understanding of how people interact with the environment to produce the benefits that they receive and to find ways to overcome barriers to sustainably managing the land.

Soil health: how to revolutionise your farm's profitability

A practical, informative meeting with Jo Scamell, Ground Level Nutrition on why soil health is crucial for optimum production of crops and livestock, how you can influence soil health to provide higher yields and healthier stock, looking at and beyond the chemical and the physical. Providing answers to your soil related questions. Free of charge to farmers and land managers and £40.00 plus VAT to others.

Dr Bryan Nelson Memorial Lecture

A first of its kind lecture is to be held in memory of the world’s leading expert on gannets, Dr Bryan Nelson MBE, who passed away in 2015.

As a tribute to Bryan, the Scottish Seabird Centre and RSPB Scotland are jointly hosting a memorial lecture which it is hoped will become an annual event. The first will be held on 6 October, 19:30, at Napier University (Craiglockhart Campus) in Edinburgh.  

Local energy systems in the UK – taking stock and looking forward

ClimateXChange and the University of Edinburgh are hosting this interdisciplinary event to bring together researchers, policymakers and practitioners to take stock of the current state of practice and knowledge of local energy systems in the UK, and look forward to the key challenges and opportunities for the future.

The event will address the following three questions:

Scottish Land Reform Conference 2016: What next for land reform?

In a noteworthy year for land reform, the Scottish Land Reform Conference 2016 will look at where Scotland is heading on its land reform journey. Roseanna Cunningham MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform will set out the Scottish Government’s vision going forward.

Delegates will hear views from community landowners, tenant farmers and others on what the land reform agenda means for them. The conference will also look at Scottish land reform from an international, historical and human rights perspective.

Women in Agriculture

Women in Agriculture has drawn together a collective of organisations - RHASS, Royal Bank of Scotland, SAOS, Scottish Woodlands, SAYFC and NFUS - to support women across Rural Scotland to :

  • Share experiences of land based industries and rural Scotland
  • Seek advice, support and skills based learning
  • Access networking and peer group support

There will be a panel of guests, chaired by Professor Sally Shortall, including Mel Ivine from the TV show This Farming Life.

Gorgie City Farm Fundraiser

Gorgie City Farm needs your help!

Rising costs and a serious reduction in external funding has resulted in the City Farm asking its loyal visitors and supporters to help keep the Farm open.
Having supported the local community for 38 years, Gorgie City Farm works with over 100 volunteers every week through training, work experience, social opportunities and personal support.

On the 10 July 2016, SKYbar will be hosting a Fundraising Event - offering the best views in the city!

Social Return on Investment Practitioner Training

Social Value UK's two-day practitioner training provides a thorough overview of SROI from two main angles. Day one is a practical, step-by-step introduction to the SROI process, beginning with some theory and going onto the hands-on development of an impact map – the heart of the SROI process – and exploration of appropriate real life examples.

Day two covers more in depth theoretical issues behind SROI including valuation techniques and overclaiming, as well as discussing examples of best practice at different levels of rigour and for different audiences.
