Fife Council

Groundswell Outreach - Go Falkland

A new regenerative farming event will be held in Scotland this summer. GO Falkland, hosted on the Falkland Estate in Fife, will bring together speakers from across agriculture, agroforestry, soil biology and food provision, to create a one-day discussion forum for farming businesses and others interested in a profitable, sustainable approach to food production and soil health.

SCOTO Central and East Roadshow - Kingsbarns

SCOTO is a network of community tourism enterprises located throughout Scotland and led by a team of dynamic individuals who each have extensive and varied experience in community tourism.

From January to March 2023, SCOTO is on tour to raise awareness of the scale and impact of community led tourism across Scotland.

The Scottish Real Bread Festival 2023

– The first ever Scottish Real Bread Festival –

– Bowhouse –

– Saturday February 25th 2023 –


Healthy Land, Healthy People, Healthy Profits

Come along to hear Canadian farmer and educator Tony McQuail explain how this ‘whole farm’ approach to management made his business more productive and profitable, whilst helping the family feel that the farm was 'working for them'. He will explain key Holistic Management principles such as goal-setting, decision-making, planned grazing, infrastructure planning and soil monitoring. He will share how they impacted on his own family satisfaction, farm sustainability and planning for succession.​

Field Lab: Plant Teams

Soil Association Scotland is teaming up with the James Hutton Institute on a field lab, part of a Europe-wide project, to trial crop mixtures or ‘plant teams’. We want to test the potential that inter-cropping peas and beans, for example, has to improve Scottish soils, yield stability and resilience as well as to suppress pests and diseases. 

Come hear from experts Ali Karley (The James Hutton Institute) and Robin Walker (SRUC) to find out which crops might work best together on your farm.

Farming Scotland Conference 2018: Innovations in Farming

A conference that promotes discussion and debate on issues which affect the farming industry, here in Scotland and throughout the world.

The focus of the conference will be on the future, with an exciting line up of speakers sharing their views and experience under the banner of "Innovations in Farming". 

Tea Gardens of Scotland
Name of organisation/business: 
Artisan Tea Gardens Ltd
£99,100 from Angus LEADER, Fife LEADER and Rural Perth & Kinross LEADER
Loch Leven's Larder
Name of organisation/business: 
Loch Leven's Larder
£270,000 Scottish Rural Development Programme funding

Adding Value to Farm Produce

New Entrants to Farming Programme's first ever 'Adding Value to Produce - an Introduction' course.

This course is for you if a shift from selling livestock and crops to selling food and drink, ready for the consumer, is buzzing around your mind in muddled thoughts. It is aimed at new entrants and young farmers with drive and enthusiasm who want to take that first step in exploring and organising these ideas.

The programme will include:

Wood Works Enterprise Taster Weekend

Are you 18-24 years old, interested in setting up a woodland enterprise or developing your crafting skills with a view to selling your hand made products?

Then why not join us for this free taster weekend to try out new skills and think business!
