
Arial view of the Skye Bridge

The Highland LAG Covers the mainland Highlands, the Small Isles and Skye but excludes the city of Inverness and the Cairngorms National Park.





  • Stronger and more resilient communities
  • A growing and diversified economy that promotes sustainability
  • Increased and sustained local services and activities
  • Enhanced cultural, natural and heritage assets

Cross Cutting Themes

  • Fairer Highland – advancing equality (addresses equality issues or benefits people in groups that are under-represented or disadvantaged)
  • Innovation (a new or different approach is proposed within the area)
  • Sustainability/Legacy (the project outcomes will continue beyond the life of the project)
  • Carbon Clever (the project can demonstrate a positive impact on the environment)
  • Skills Development (the project aims to expand the skills of those involved in implementing the project and/or on its participants)


  1. Impact of funded projects can be better demonstrated leading to increased capacity to secure future funds
  2. Increased community ownership/control of assets and services/activities
  3. People feel better supported to undertake volunteering opportunities
  4. Increased partnership working between groups (within and across areas, including intergenerational partnerships)
  5. Increased employment opportunities locally through new business start-ups and existing business diversification/ development
  6. Increased income from local produce through adding value
  7. Improvements in the visitor experience
  8. People have better access to local services and activities
  9. Improved access for residents and visitors (physical and knowledge based) to cultural, natural and heritage assets.
  10. Improved management/conservation/sustainability of cultural, natural and heritage assets


Contact information

Fiona Cameron – Fiona.cameron4@highland.gov.uk

01463 702524