The Cabrach: turning the tide on community decline

Ruined stone building amongst grass and hills
Wednesday 23 February 2022 - 19:00 to 20:00


Aberdeen City Heritage Trust

Jonathan Christie CEO, Cabrach Trust will provide an insight into a community-led regeneration project that will see the development of projects such as a Historic Distillery and a new Heritage Centre on the Trust’s land.

The Cabrach Trust was formed in 2011 in response to the need to preserve the cultural heritage of the Cabrach and safeguard its remote community. The Trust aims to provide economic and social development opportunities for the Cabrach, creating jobs and attracting new visitors to the area to celebrate and protect the cultural heritage, beautiful landscape and history of the Cabrach.

Jonathan has a wealth of experience in Third Sector leadership, project management and grant making. Prior to which his career focused on working alongside vulnerable groups and communities across Scotland. For Jonathan, The Cabrach Trust is a place where good ideas can develop, grow, and take flight.

This event is the third of a five lecture series of Aberdeen Heritage Lectures 2022. Aberdeen City Heritage Trust recognises the support of Historic Environment Scotland and Aberdeen City Council.
