Woodside Arran CIC

Woodside Arran CIC

Name of organisation/business: 
Woodside Arran CIC
£8,963.71 - Community Led local Development - Ayrshire Rural and Islands Ambition (ARIA) Fund Small Capital Grant (2022/23)
Scottish Rural Development Programme priority: 
Supporting rural communities
Contact details:




Based on the Isle of Arran, Woodside Arran CIC​ obtained funding from the Scottish Government's Community Led Local Development (CLLD) (22/23). This funding stream forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) commitment to CLLD.

The funding was awarded to increase onsite composting at Woodside Arran CIC, a social enterprise farm and was created to reduce carbon emissions onsite, providing cost saving benefits while also providing data towards supporting a larger island wide composting initiative.

The funding is part of the CLLD allocation to the Ayshire Local Action Group (LAG), a group of representatives from the local area so its decision making is bottom up.  With this funding, the LAG run the Ayrshire Rural and Islands Ambition (ARIA) Fund which is administered by South Ayrshire Council. Additionally, a Fund Co-ordinator supports the applicant through the process to assist and help with any concerns or questions. 

Jenny Macdonald, co-director of Woodside Arran CIC, shares details of the project development and lessons learned here

You can find out more about the ARIA fund including Eligible Areas and Indicative Key Dates here