
Riparian Planting: Why & How? With Richard Lockett, Knockbain Farm Dingwall

Join the Integrating Trees Network and Richard Lockett at the award winning Knockbain Farm to see and discuss the benefits of riparian woodlands. This visit will also be an opportunity to visit the nearby River Peffery Re-Meandering Project where riverside trees have recently been planted.

There is still time to take part in the Scottish Government review of the National Outcomes, which closes on the 12 June 2023. The review is required within every five years, under the Community Empowerment Act (2015).

Fireworks can cause distress to people suffering from phonophobia as well as to livestock, animals in their natural habit and pets. To help address this, extra measures to prevent the misuse of fireworks and pyrotechnics in public places, including sporting and live music events, have come into force to help protect public safety. 

SCCAN Storyteller Collective: Podcast Skillshare

Join SCCAN on Wednesday, 28 June, 7-8pm, for a chat and Q&A with a podcaster Kathi . She will share her experience of creating her travel podcast Wild for Scotland.

Many of Scotland’s most popular natural sites are receiving a staffing boost this summer, with Scottish Government funding of £900,000 to support better visitor management and help safeguard the environment for visitors and local communities.

The NatureScot Better Places funding will go directly to 24 countryside, coast and island projects across Scotland, enabling an additional 62 staff to be employed this summer across Scotland.

Eight leading conservation organisations have launched an innovative new multi-species conservation programme, Species on the Edge, focussed on reversing the decline of vulnerable coastal species in Scotland.

The findings from an analysis of responses to a public consultation on "Land Reform in a Net Zero Nation" have been published. The Scottish Government’s public consultation,

People in Stranraer are being invited to have their say on a £5m funding bid to kickstart a radical transformation of the town’s economy, community services and local infrastructure. A draft Place Plan for Stranraer has been published which will shape the development of Stranraer over the next 10 years, and it’s now out for formal consultation. 

A programme to reduce the carbon footprint of NHS Scotland and enable more environmentally sustainable care has been launched.

The National Green Theatres Programme, developed by clinicians, will cut the high emissions and waste typically generated in surgery while maintaining the highest levels of patient safety and quality of care.
