
The Chief Statistician for Scotland has released figures for Wildlife Crime in Scotland 2022. The statistics show that recorded wildlife crime was down by 7% from 308 offences in 2020-21 to 286 offences in 2021-22.

The Scottish Government is stepping up action to tackle climate change with a suite of new policies on transport, including increasing the number of electric vehicle chargers, and land use.

The Scottish Government are seeking views on the priorities and principles they have set for the use of bioenergy, as well as views on the potential to scale up domestic production of biomass via planting of perennial energy crops.

The Marine Fund Scotland (MFS) is now open for applications for the 2024-25 financial year.  The deadline for applications to the first round of MFS for 2024-25 is 9 May 2024, and applicants are asked to ensure that they have their application and supporting documentation submitted by this date.

Sea Scotland 2024 - Sharing Our Blue Space

Scotland boasts a marine environment of unparalleled beauty and ecological significance. Our seas host a diverse range of marine life and ecosystems and are a vital resource that supports multiple marine industries, including fishing, aquaculture, tourism, and renewable energy. The marine environment also holds cultural and social significance for communities in Scotland, shaping their identities, traditions, and ways of life. However, this precious environment suffers from ongoing decline due to cumulative pressures from human activities.

Documenting Scotland’s Historic Environment

Building recording is an essential component of heritage management. The primary purpose of this is to establish an accurate record of a building as the starting point for key decisions around repair and maintenance. This accurate record, typically in 3D, allows evaluation or monitoring of a structure’s condition, establishing the need for interventions to repair, conserve, restore or maintain the fabric.

The Scottish Invasive Species Initiative – the largest invasive non-native species control project in the British Isles - has been tackling non-native invasive species in northern Scotland since 2018. 

Horticulture – Compost and Growing Media

Do you have a horticultural enterprise on your smallholding or croft? Do you buy or make compost or growing media? Do you get variable results?!

Join FAS for this online talk and discussion on compost, with grower and soil expert Audrey Litterick.  Audrey will cover:

Horticulture – Crop Choice, Rotations and Marketing Produce

Planning on growing and selling veg from your smallholding or croft?

This online talk and discussion for smallholders and crofters is about maximising income from your holding with profitable cropping.

There are several Scottish Government online consultations currently open, which are of direct relevance to rural and island communities.

Consultations are an important part of government policy development, where views and insights garnered are used by policy areas to develop and inform policies that in turn can be progressed into new Bills or Laws.  Online consultations are a key tool in supporting this activity.
