
Loch Leven's Larder
Name of organisation/business: 
Loch Leven's Larder
£270,000 Scottish Rural Development Programme funding

The latest in our #SRDPonFilm series focuses on the Skinny Milk Project.

Funded through the Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund, the Skinny Milk Projct is about increasing efficiency in milk production.

Dourie Farm in Fort William has embraced the project to find new ways to improve its business performance, reducing overheads while maintaining productivity long term. Watch the film below.

A month-long campaign has been launched by Police Scotland to raise awareness among dog owners about the devastating effects of livestock worrying.

It coincides with a rise in sheep attacks by dogs during November, a time when sheep are brought down to low lying pasture, in areas more accessible by people exercising their dogs or by local dogs that are allowed to roam free.

The Annual Implementation Report (AIR) of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) has been published.

Covering the first three years of the 2014-2020 Programme, the full report and Summary for Citizens can be viewed on the Scottish Government website.

A new brochure highlights all the Horizon 2020 calls relating to agriculture and forestry.

The official Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2018-2020 was released on 27 October 2017.

Horizon 2020 (H2020) aims to create solutions for problems which farmers and foresters currently face. It is the largest source of public funding for research and innovation from the European Commission with a budget of around €3.7 billion.

Adding Value to Farm Produce

New Entrants to Farming Programme's first ever 'Adding Value to Produce - an Introduction' course.

This course is for you if a shift from selling livestock and crops to selling food and drink, ready for the consumer, is buzzing around your mind in muddled thoughts. It is aimed at new entrants and young farmers with drive and enthusiasm who want to take that first step in exploring and organising these ideas.

The programme will include:

Launch Event: Phos4You

Are you interested in:

  • Phosphorus recovery?
  • Improving water quality?
  • Recycled products as fertiliser?

This event, part of the European Union Phos4You research project, seeks to engage with stakeholders at an early stage to inform and direct the work of the Scottish research team so they can address concerns and capitalise on opportunities.

If you're struggling with your utility bills the rural charity RSABI may be able to help.

RSABI helps people woth are working or have worked in farming, crofting and growing emotionally, practically and financially.

Grants of £300 are available through their Help for Heating grant scheme for those living in fuel poverty.

Call RSABI on 0300 111 4166 to find out more.

Find out more about help available on the RSABI website.

A series of workshops is about to start as part of the Farm Advisory Service's New Entrants Programme.

Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service (FAS) is part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) which is co-funded by the EU and Scottish Government. It provides information and resources aimed at increasing the profitability and sustainability of farms and crofts.

A mental health campaign run by the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs (SAYFC) has won the 'Farming Hero' Award at the British Farming Awards.

SAYFC's 'Are Ewe Okay' campaign was launched in May 2016. The campaign aims to target their audience of young people living in Scotland's rural communities through raising awareness of poor mental health triggers and causes, how to recognise the signs and how to seek help if you or others are suffering.
