Health and wellbeing

The Baillie Gifford Multi-year Awards fund, aimed at supporting grassroots community groups across Scotland, is now open to applications.

Priority will be given to projects that can demonstrate a fit with one of the following priorities:

Older people are being asked how health and social services should change to help make Scotland the best place in the world to grow old by sharing their views on the new on Health and Social Care Strategy for Older People. You can take part in the consultation here.

The popular Year of Stories 2022 Community Stories Fund has received additional funding to support organisations and groups working with communities. You can still apply on Museums Gelleries Scotland website before the deadline on 18th March.

Scotland's Census is now live and you should complete it by 20th March - you can easily do it online on the Scotland's Census website.

It is important that you contribute to the Census as the information you provide will be vital to help the Scottish Government make important decisions that affect people’s lives and their communities. 

Rural Carers Focus Group: Scotland

Are you a carer in rural Scotland? Join Tide Focus Group to discuss your experiences.

While the Focus Groups have been categorised by location, you are welcome to join any group, regardless of where you reside in Scotland. 



An additional £6m has been provided to the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund to meet the demand for local mental health and wellbeing projects.

As part of the LGBT History Month and the national Year of Stories 2022, the Pink Saltire charity have created ‘The Pink Triangle Podcast’ where individuals from across the LGBT+ community share their personal stories about life in Scotland, indluding small, rural areas.

The Investing in Communities Fund (ICF) is a streamlined communities fund that is delivered as part of the Empowering Communities Programme. Expected to reopen in April 2022, applicants should start preparing now.

Health Lottery Scotland’s Active Communities is a funding programme for small and local projects, genuinely designed and run by local people.

It is currently open for applications from community groups and not-for-profit organisations in Aberdeenshire, Clackmannanshire, Fife, North Lanarkshire, Shetland.

Rethinking Remote 2022 Conference

Conference focussing on innovative solutions in remote and rural health and wellbeing.
