
People across Scotland are being invited to have a say on how crofting is reformed.

A programme of meetings will take place from 3 July to 15 August, stretching from Oban to Shetland.

The consultation, which runs until 2 September 2024, seeks views on a range of proposals for crofting reform. These will help to create opportunities for new entrants, encourage the active management and use of crofts and common grazings, and support rural population.

MSPs have backed a range of technical updates to the short-term lets licensing scheme in response to engagement with accommodation operators.

Licensing was introduced in 2022 to provide assurance to guests on safety and quality, such as gas and electrical safety compliance and the suitability of hosts.

Glengarry Community Woodland Sawmill
Name of organisation/business: 
Glengarry Community Woodlands
£36,290 - Community Led Local Development (CLLD) Rural and Island Communities Ideas into Action Fund

Communities across Scotland have been recognised at the Scottish Government’s relaunched Scottish Planning Innovation Awards (SPIA).

The overall winner was Planning Aid Scotland Live Life Morvern initiative, a community plan of action which pulls together local resources and ideas to build a sustainable future for the area.

Sustaining Rural Architecture

Rural Scotland is a charged landscape, alive with history and doused in myth. For city dwellers the countryside is a retreat for refuge and decompression, but it is also a place where infrastructures strain to reach and in which livings must be made.

The countryside is resistant to easy explanation and is thus vulnerable to stereotyping. How do we make meaningful work that responds to landscape and cultures that are diverse and sometimes perplexing, and what does this mean for the profession of architecture?

About Professor John Brennan

Which Trees For Homes?

In “Which Trees For Homes?” SEDA will investigate the long-term effects of land-use decisions on climate change and the timber chain, particularly in relation to affordable homes. This event will involve scientists, landowners, foresters, distributors and housebuilders.

A  new scheme from the King’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer (KLTR) will empower communities across Scotland to take over ownerless land and buildings, providing community assets where they are most needed. 

There is still tme to take part in the Proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill: Consultation, which closes on the 8 March 2024.

Legislation enabling councils to increase their affordable housing stock without having to pay a tax on additional properties has been introduced in the Scottish Parliament.

A first-of-its-kind system in the UK is being trialled in Edinburgh to see if waste heat from a large computing facility can be stored in disused mine workings and used to warm homes.
