
With the herbicide Asulox no longer available to treat bracken, there was a need to update best practice guidance on bracken management, which was previously heavily weighted towards chemical treatment.

Major hotels, tourist attraction and holiday park secure Green Key certification

Twenty-one new tourism establishments from across Scotland have been announced as the recipients of the coveted Green Key eco-certificate.

Legislation giving Ministers and local authorities the tools needed to increase reuse and recycling rates, as well as modernise and improve waste and recycling services, has been passed.

The Circular Economy Bill will give Ministers the powers to:

Hemp Fibre and Co-Products: Advancing Crop Potential in Scotland & England

Supported by Scottish Enterprise and IBiolC and in collaboration with IndiNature and Elsoms Seeds, you will learn about the transformative potential of integrating hemp into your rotation.

The Highlands & Islands Business Excellence Awards 2024 are open for nominations.

There are nine categories available, including a specific island category:

There is still time for community groups to apply for funding to improve energy efficency in village halls, community hubs and other community buildings. 

On 1 May 2024, the SCVO hosted a conference aimed at those running village and community halls across Scotland. Scottish Rural Network, along with a other stakeholders, funded and support the event with delegates joined us both online and in-person at Birnam Arts to connect, share ideas, and inspire each other.

AgriScot 2024

Welcome to AgriScot 2024!

Join us at the Royal Highland Centre for a day filled with all things agriculture. From livestock shows to machinery displays, there's something for everyone interested in the farming industry. Network with fellow farmers, learn about the latest innovations, and discover new products to enhance your farm.

The Scottish Rural Leadership Programme for 2024-25 has been launched with the theme of ‘Transforming Scotland's Rural Economy’.

The Programme is led by Scottish Enterprise, in partnership with Highland and Islands Enterprise and the South of Scotland Enterprise and will be delivered by Elevator.

Village halls are often the heart of a community. They are places for people to gather, learn, access services and have fun. Making sure they are well run and maintained is an important but not always easy role, often fulfilled by committed volunteers and workers.

Islands-Future, a conference dedicated to exploring the future of Scotland’s islands.

Join The Royal Society of Edinburgh for the Islands – Future, a conference dedicated to exploring the future of Scotland’s islands.
