
Innovative Ways of engagement, Shetland, Scotland

We are seeking potential cooperation partners to develop cooperation projects or join existing projects. As yet we have no cooperation projects in play or in our project pipeline however we are keen to explore options with partners

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Innovative Ways of engagement, Ayrshire, Scotland

We are seeking potential cooperation partners to develop cooperation projects or join existing projects. As yet we have no cooperation projects in play or in our project pipeline however we are keen to explore options with partners

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Erasmus has launched a new project, 'Visual Social Enterprise (ViSEnet)', which will share learning material, guidance and networking opportunities to promote social entrepreneurship in rural areas.

Digital Scotland, a business network supporting the Scottish Government's ambition of building a world-leading digital nation, has launched the first 'Smart Village' platform for equipping Scotland's rural communities with the same technologies enjoyed by large cities.

The Rural Innovation Support Service (RISS) has teamed up with Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) and the National Farmers’ Union Scotland to invite farmers to three free lunchtime events showcasing the help available for them to make the most out of their upland farm business.

They will also be able to discuss their business ideas and challenges with industry representatives and other farmers. 

Switched on Scotland

Energy Saving Trust, supported by Transport Scotland, invite you to attend their first Switched on Scotland conference at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh on Wednesday 13 March. 

Michael Matheson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity will be delivering an address to delegates focusing on electrification of the road network.

The conference is free to attend and will bring together a diverse mix of individuals and organisations who are leading the charge in ultra-low emission vehicle (ULEV) innovation and application in Scotland.

Finnish LAG seeks partners for multiple projects

The Finnish LAG Aisapari is looking for cooperation partners across several projects.

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The Orkney islands of Westray and Papa Westray were among the winners in this year's SURF Awards for Best Practice in Community Regeneration.

A new publication highlights examples of social innovation in mountain regions of Europe.

In the brochure from SIMRA (Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas) you can find out how rural communities are capitalising on the natural and social assets in mountainous areas in terms of community life, living environment and dynamic approaches to governance.

Highlands & Islands Ecosystem for rural mental health and active healthy ageing

The Scottish Rural Health Partnership (SRHP) and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) have jointly accepted an invitation from the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) to establish a new Ecosystem in the Highlands & Islands.

SRHP are really excited by this fantastic opportunity to create a new permanent mutually beneficial partnership for the Highlands & Islands which will focus on rural mental health and active healthy ageing with the dual aim of improving the delivery of rural health and social care services, and providing economic benefits.
