
Woodland Habitat Impact Assessment (WHIALite) Workshop - Dingwall

2024 WHIALite Programme

As part of The Wild Deer Best Practice guidance collection, Steering Group partners, led by NatureScot and Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) developed a simplified methodology for assessing the impacts of grazing herbivores on woodland habitat.

Eigg has a long history of crofting and has twenty-one crofts split across two townships. While traditional crofting is much less prevalent than it was 30 years ago, it still plays an important role in the economic, social, and culture of Eigg. 

The 'Scotland’s Finest Woods Awards' ceremony will be moved to November to give the chance to celebrate National Tree Week at the same time, the charity’s Trustees have announced.

Dog owners are being encouraged to do the right thing this spring in the Cairngorms National Park and keep dogs on leads around livestock.

Alba trees is the UK’s largest cell grown nursery producing 30 million trees per year across three sites in the beautiful East Lothian countryside. As an industry leader they recognise the importance of cultivating the next generation of foresters to ensure our forests and woodlands are cared for in the future and ultimately safeguarding our planet against climate change.

Legislation to support Scotland’s rural economy and communities has passed Stage 1 in Parliament.

Further details about the actions farmers and crofters will have to take to receive agricultural support payments from 2025 have been unveiled. The new criteria for support will help farmers and crofters meet more of our food needs sustainably, and farm and croft while working to protect nature.

Communities across Scotland have been recognised at the Scottish Government’s relaunched Scottish Planning Innovation Awards (SPIA).

The overall winner was Planning Aid Scotland Live Life Morvern initiative, a community plan of action which pulls together local resources and ideas to build a sustainable future for the area.

Scotland’s wildlife will benefit from increased protection thanks to a new law  passed by the Scottish Parliament.

The Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill includes a range of measures that will help tackle raptor persecution, and ensure that the management of species on grouse moors is done so sustainably and with animal welfare as a priority.
