Rural services

The Touring Network are hosting a series of events connecting professional touring performers and producers with community venues. They’ll be chatting through the highs and lows of making, promoting and presenting live performances, in and for geographically remote parts of Scotland.

Open Farm Sunday

Vis­it a farm on Open Farm Sun­day, 9th June 2024 and find out about the sto­ry behind our food and how farm­ing affects our every­day lives. Each Open Farm Sun­day event is unique. Activ­i­ties range from machin­ery dis­plays, trac­tor and trail­er rides, through to demon­stra­tions, nature walks and much more!

Change Mental Health (CMH) has free funded mental health training places for rural individuals and rural small businesses.

The Rural Connections training aims to support businesses to implement and strengthen workplace wellbeing policies and activities.

CMH are working in partnership with Mental Health UK and Neptune Energy to deliver the Rural Connections project.

Glengarry Community Woodland Sawmill
Name of organisation/business: 
Glengarry Community Woodlands
£36,290 - Community Led Local Development (CLLD) Rural and Island Communities Ideas into Action Fund

The latest Knowledge Transfer Innovation Fund (KITF) opens today (Wednesday 22 May).

KTIF supports projects that help farmers and crofters to acquire new skills and share learning across the agricultural sector. Successful projects will receive grants of up to £200,000 to help farmers develop their skills and improve the competitiveness and sustainability of their businesses.

In Rural Jobs Round Up, you can find out about some current vacancies in rural and island Scotland and jobs in rural development. Any enquiries about a post should be directed to the respective organisation. 

Moor House - the home of Upland Research - Heather Trust Update Day 2024

Welcome to The Heather Trust's Annual Update Day; this year at Moor House, in the Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve.

The event features an in-depth site visit at Moor House, as well as presentations from Rob Marrs, Andreas Heinemeyer, Martin Furness, Katrina Candy, David Jarrett, Dave Baines and other knowledgable experts.

Bracken Management - so what now?

Katrina Candy, Director of The Heather Trust, and Simon Thorp, Bracken Control Group Chair and bracken expert, present an online Q&A session to discuss the current state of play with bracken and its control across the UK. Free to attend!

DPEA: Planning appeals training for communities

The Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA) is part of the Scottish Government, dealing with planning appeals and a range of other casework including wind farm proposals and electricity grid infrastructure. 

Join this virtual event to hear more about DPEA’s role, the way it works and how communities can get involved in this part of the planning process. The event is open to all Community Councils and community groups who have an interest or a statutory role in the planning system. 
