2024-25 Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Fund open

The latest Knowledge Transfer Innovation Fund (KITF) opens today (Wednesday 22 May).
KTIF supports projects that help farmers and crofters to acquire new skills and share learning across the agricultural sector. Successful projects will receive grants of up to £200,000 to help farmers develop their skills and improve the competitiveness and sustainability of their businesses.
Agriculture Minister Jim Fairlie said:
“Innovation and knowledge transfer are keyways we can support farmers to adapt to new and ongoing challenges they face within the agriculture sector.
“Through the Knowledge Transfer Innovation Fund, we have supported many projects that have inspired hundreds of farmers and crofters across Scotland to stay connected and improve their businesses.
“I am delighted to open this year’s Fund, and I look forward to seeing the projects that come forward.”
KITF forms part of the Scottish Rural Delvery Plan (SRDP) and has two separate aims.
1) Knowledge Transfer Projects:
These projects must aim to promote skills development and knowledge transfer in the primary agricultural sector. This will be achieved through provision of funding to organisations to deliver vocational training, coaching, workshops, courses and farm visits designed to develop skills, transfer knowledge and encourage knowledge exchange.
2) Innovation Projects:
These projects must aim to deliver innovative on-the-ground improvements in agricultural competitiveness, resource efficiency, environmental performance and sustainability.
The funding support will meet the running costs of operational groups seeking to implement innovative projects in these areas. These operational groups can be made up of different individuals or organisations within agriculture who are working collaboratively. This helps form partnerships between farmers, crofters, land managers, Non-Governmental Organisations, advisers and businesses working on the ground.
These operational groups are expected to provide new insights and deliver innovative approaches and ideas, as well as mobilising practical on-the-ground solutions.
KTIF - New Funding Window – Summer 2024
Applicants are being encouraged to submit a short inception note (one side of A4) to KTIF@gov.scot to get informal feedback on proposals in advance of submitting a full application with associated forms. Final application, costings and communications plan forms should be submitted no later than 24 June 2024 (midnight). All three forms should be emailed to KTIF@gov.scot.
The Project Assessment Committee (PAC) will meet to consider all final applications. This is provisionally planned for Tuesday 16 July 2024.
New Funding Arrangements
Phased or modular projects can extend beyond the end of financial year 2024/25. Please be aware, however, that funding will only be confirmed for financial year 2024/25 (ending 31 March 2025). Any project extending beyond that date will be subject to budgetary confirmation in future financial years, and funding may be limited to this financial year.
Additional Requirements and Information for Applicants
Funding for individual projects will be capped at £200K per year. Knowledge Transfer project applications are eligible for 75% funding under KTIF; and Innovation projects are eligible for 100% funding under KTIF.
Funding window focus
Applications should aim to deliver against any of the five KTIF objectives below.
1. Enhancing competitiveness and enhancing viability in agriculture;
2. Restoring, preserving and enhancing biodiversity and ecosystems dependant on agriculture;
3. Improving water and/or soil management;
4. Pollution prevention and control;
5. Promoting resource efficiency and supporting a shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy in agriculture.
Knowledge Transfer projects can take the form of:
- Training courses, workshops and coaching.
- Demonstration activities that can take place on a farm, croft or forest or by virtual means.
- Knowledge transfer or knowledge exchange activities aiming to disseminate information concerning agriculture and crofting. These activities can take the form of exhibitions, meetings, presentations, or can take the form of printed information and electronic media.
- Farm and croft visits to learn about specific ways of doing things that may be of benefit to others.
- Please note, no capital or participant costs will be funded.
Applications will be considered by the Knowledge Transfer Innovation Fund (KTIF) Project Assessment Committee (PAC). The remit for the PAC is:
a) to consider and determine applications for assistance under KTIF, including the level of grant and any conditions to be imposed; and
b) to monitor operation of the Scheme and consider any adjustments needed to achieve its objectives more effectively.
An information sheet detailing all aspects of the scheme, application process and key dates can be found at: Knowledge Transfer Innovation Fund
Projects supported by 2023 KTIF funding round
- Agroecology: Strengthening Livelihoods – facilitated by Nourish Scotland. The project aims to support awareness, knowledge and adoption of agroecological practices through exchange networks.
- Scottish Organic Dairy Goals – facilitated by SOMP. The project aims to improve organic dairy farm financial, sustainability and technical efficiency.
- Data driven decisions in potatoes – facilitated by SAOS. The project aims to improve productivity and competitiveness of Scottish ware production whilst reducing the environmental impact.
- Decarbonising Scottish malting barley production – facilitated by SAOS. The project aims to raise awareness and understanding of emissions associated with malting barley and supporting arable growers to lower emissions.
- Monitor Farm Scotland programme, facilitated by Quality Meat Scotland. The Monitor Farm Programme is formed of nine farms across Scotland. Each farm, supported by their Monitor Farm management team, generates bespoke knowledge and solutions to share with local farmers and communities at open meetings.