
Scottish Agritourism Conference 2024

This Conference will bring together everyone interested in the development of agritourism in Scotland.

It will be a great chance to get together, network and build relationships.

The conference is set to welcome:

Walk & Talk at Scalpsie Farm, Bute

Farmstrong are holding a Farm Walk & Talk this coming Wednesday, June 12th,  thanks to Ian Dickson who runs Scalpsie Farm on Bute.

Starting with lunch at the Kingarth Hotel at noon, the farm tour will follow, and finish up with a talk from Michael Blanche.

An optional extra, is to bring your togs and a towel for a touch of wild swimming at Scalpsie Beach!

MSPs have backed legislation giving councils a new power to introduce a visitor levy that would raise funding for local visitor facilities and services.

Glengarry Community Woodland Sawmill
Name of organisation/business: 
Glengarry Community Woodlands
£36,290 - Community Led Local Development (CLLD) Rural and Island Communities Ideas into Action Fund

Scotland’s agritourism sector is celebrating after winning a bid to host the World Agritourism Conference in 2026. The announcement was made in Bolzano, Italy on Friday 17th May, at a gathering of world leaders in agritourism, who represent the recently formed Global Agritourism Network.

More than 7,000 meetings took place between Scottish tourism businesses and travel intermediaries - including tour operators, travel advisors and Destination Management Companies representing Scotland’s most important visitor markets – at an event held in Aberdeen.

VisitScotland have published a handy Food Tourism Industry Guide to support rural and island businesses. 

Businesses can learn what food tourism is, how it can benefit their business and how to develop quality food tourism experiences.

As summer approaches and the weather improves, more and more people will head to the countryside to take advantage of Scotland's wonderful natural heritage. With the increased risk of of interaction with ticks and the risk of catching Lyme disease, NHS Scotland have higlighted how to identify the syptoms and take appropriate action. 

A Scottish Government-backed deep-water terminal which will support future renewable energy developments and cruise ship opportunities on the Western Isles has been officially handed over to operators by Deputy First Minister Shona Robison. 

The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) Scottish Game Fair (SGF) is back for 2024, celebrating its 35-year anniversary at Scone Palace.

Tickets are now on sale for the event, which will take place from Friday 5 to Sunday 7 July at Perthshire’s heritage location, set in parkland alongside the River Tay.
